
I really enjoyed every minute of this job – one of the first in my role as CD on Direct Line. it’s also a great example of when a tight deadline and a tight brief come together to make something really special – with a little help from a fantastic Director in Danny Kleinman.

The story started when Channel 4 signed a brand-new sponsorship deal with Direct Line for its network film package ‘Film on 4’. The partnership covers over two thousand movies and had to air 6 weeks from putting ink to paper. We developed an idea rooted in writing and performance, rather than on reliant on post or a large-scale production, that allowed us to shoot 63 (count ‘em) idents. These 15'“, 10” and 5” spots imagine Direct Line call centre staff dealing with a series of extreme insurance claims inspired by the damage caused in hit movies. In addition, we created four full ‘takeover’ sets of idents for four of the blockbuster films set to air on Channel 4 this year.

Like all good movie campaigns – it has a trailer you can watch here…

 And the full set of 63 are here for your viewing pleasure…

And you liked them, you really liked them!

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